Korthauer Lab Statistics + Genomics


See below for the latest Korthauer Lab news!


Ning presented at BioC 2024

Ning presented her work on “vmrseq: Probabilistic Modeling of Single-cell Methylation Heterogeneity” at the 2024 Bioconductor Conference at the Van Andel Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

Interview with Dr. Korthauer featured in March 2024 CMMT Newsletter

The March 2024 Newsletter from the Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics featured an interview with Dr. Korthauer, highlighting her academic journey and some current projects in the lab.

Erick wins poster award at UBC Life Sciences Symposium!

Erick’s poster presentation “Modeling the genome and exposome contribution to newborn methylome variability with the RAMEN package” won an award (with cash prize) at the 2024 UBC Life Sciences Symposium! Congratulations, Erick!


Congratulations to our two Fall 2023 MS graduates!
Congratulations to our two Fall 2023 MS graduates!

Congratulations to Korthauer lab members Giuliano Netto Flores Cruz (MS Bioinformatics, pictured below) and Giuesppe Tinti Tomio (MS Statistics)!!

New preprint

Our new preprint, “vmrseq: Probabilistic Modeling of Single-cell Methylation Heterogeneity” is posted!

Erick presenting at Epigenomics of Common Diseases 2023

Erick is presenting his work on “Modeling the genome and prenatal exposome contribution to newborn DNA methylome variability with the RAMEN package” at the 2023 Conference on Epigenomics of Common Diseases at the Wellcome Genome Campus in the UK!

Keegan presenting at Women in Statistics and Data Science 2023

Keegan is presenting work led by Ning Shen on “Probabilistic modelling of single-cell methylation sequencing data reveals regions that are informative of cell type and cell state” at the 2023 Women in Statistics and Data Science conference in Bellvue, WA.

Keegan and Erick to speak at VanBUG Seminar

Keegan and Erick are speaking at the upcoming VanBUG seminar on September 21, 2023.

Welcome to our News Page!

We’ll be sharing the latest lab news here. Check back regularly to see what we are up to!

Congratulations to Erick for being awarded a UBC 4YF!

Congratulations to Erick for being awarded a UBC Four Year Doctoral Fellowship from the Bioinformatics program!

Congratulations to Giuliano for being awarded a UBC 4YF!

Congratulations to Giuliano for being awarded a UBC Four Year Doctoral Fellowship from the Statistics Department!